The Aspirational Mind

Reaching for a better future

Welcome to the official website for The Aspirational Mind Project.

Meet the author
Hello, and welcome to my website.
I am excited to share this website with you and I hope that you find some of the ideas that I present here useful, no matter the path that you are on.
This is a personal website:The Author
Thank goodness I don't have to be an addict any more!
Wouldn't it be great if we could move on from old habits and addictions? Just think, if only we could follow a simple procedure to move on from habitual behaviour and build a new life that we choose.
A new approach to managing chronic habits and addiction:Habits and Addiction
Most of this website is devoted to simple pragmatic methods that I find can be used for regular self-care or even to support ongoing therapy. Self-care is what we can do to support ourselves when we are aware that we may be able to achieve a better future but need a little guidance. I firmly believe that you don't have to know a lot nor think deeply for effective self-care, but we do need some simple insights, reminders, and sometimes appropriate direction.
I am building a diverse collection of my own self-care approaches for people to try out for themselves. These include new ways to change habits and addictions, new ways to support personal wellbeing, new ways to recover from depression or reduce anxiety, new ways to recover from pressure-induced burnout, new ways to uncover life-purposes, new ways to handle basic mood, and even new ways to address procrastination and prevarication. More work is needed and I will continue to add to these offerings as time and energy permit.
ps. I make no apologies for disrupting long-held views of the difficulty of dealing with some of these conditions.
Self-Care for wellbeing, addictions, anxiety, depression, burnout, etc.:Self-Care
The Aspirational Mind
I love exploring ideas, particularly when those ideas help to explain what it is to be a human with human aspirations.
I must admit, I never set out to manifest an improved model of the human mind but in early 2023 it grew out of my exploration of the process of combining purpose and passion to achieve particular objectives. Historical descriptions of the mind are limited because they are nearly all, so far as I have been able to find out, derived from a subjective description of our own experience and I chose to try and improve this by looking as objectively as I could at the features that our mind must have due to our inherited evolution. Whatever our mind is, conscious or non-conscious, logical or ethereal, our mind should be giving us motivations and behaviours that help use survive and prosper. Everything that goes on in our mind must serve, or have served, a function.
The result that I came up with is a model described as series of behavioural evolutions leading from primitive beginnings to our highest observable motivations. As it happens this model also provides a match to the most effective psychological approaches (modalities).
That was encouraging but why bother with yet another mind-model? One answer came quickly as the model quickly offered a number of functional results that I had not anticipated. It gave me a better understanding of depression, anxiety, mood, etc. with some obvious potential interventions. It allowed a match to different types of intellect (missing from other models), it explained tricky cross-purposes (missing from other models but addressed by cognitive psychologies), it hinted at ways to achieve congruence across our motivations, it included the role and expressions for creativity, it explained why such things as morals, ethics, wisdom, and awe can seem hard to pin down experientially.
The Aspirational Mind also gave me the final pieces of the long-term puzzle of how to more easily manage our addictions and habits so that we can change our habits in the ways that suit us and for as long as we want. In short, to use a couple of common metaphors, this model offers a much better mousetrap and a much better description of the elephant in the room.
Working to create a better future through a better understanding of the human mind:Aspirational Mind
You can help this endeavour
As this work is still so new and under development there are many opportunities for supporting the website as it grows.
I invite collaboration from those with knowledge and a willingness to benefit the rest of humanity. I invite individuals to experience their own potential for change. I reach out to potential benefactors and patrons. I invite academia and professionals world-wide to contribute to this project.
I need your help: Collaborators, Testers, Customers, Benefactors, Patrons:How to help