
Anxiety Explored

General Anxiety

Other Versions of Anxiety

Anxiety can come from many sources in addition to those touched on as specific types or manifestations of anxiety in this exploration of anxiety. Autism, dietary sensitivities, personality traits, friends and family are typical sources of anxiety in addition to fears, feelings, worries, phobias, traumas, and general stresses discussed in the other explorations of anxiety.
Whatever the nature of your anxiety, setting and achieving targets as you change your long-standing habits can feed back into your confidence and that will, in turn, help to reduce your awareness of anxiety. Generalised anxiety can be a symptom of our own observation that we are not achieving what we want to in life. We are less likely to achieve our own objectives if we indulge in unhealthy or undermining habits. This feelings-based feedback loop can set up an unhealthy cycle that increases our generalised anxiety whilst also increasing our desire to indulge in unhealthy habits and reducing our effectiveness at living our life to meet our own expectations.
Check through the other sections on types of anxiety to see if these offer some hints on how to work on your own particular verion of anxiety such that you can create a clear target for changing your habit(s).